Pine Wreath

My work from another Procreate class. This one was taught by Liz Koehler Brown; Botanical Illustration on you IPad in Procreate. It was my first time drawing pine boughs. Although complex, they have a simple structure making the drawing easy!

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More Palettes

These are the results of the first Skillshare class I completed, Procreate Color Palettes: A Simple Process for Stand-Out Palettes taught by Kiley Bennett. I have been trying to learn to use Procreate on my iPad. Slowly making progress!

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First Ever Illustrator Files

Clearly, I have a very long way to go. Even though I was unable to come close to doing what I had imagined with these images, I did something with them and here they are!

This is my first deliberate public exposure of work that I know is far, far, far from perfect. I rarely put work out there even when I am happy with it. To show the awkward, novice, first steps as I struggle to learn Adobe Illustrator is humbling, to say the least. But it also feels really good. I am allowing myself a degree of humanity I haven’t allowed in the past. Welcome to my process!

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Recent Mandalas

Still obsessed with creating these digital mandalas, something about the relationships between the art elements; color, shape, texture, etc., symmetry, and nature.img_0980



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Digital Mandala


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October 21, 2016 · 4:27 pm


Last post of my first day of blogging.  This is a piece I found recently whenI was sorting through some piles.  It was done as a demonstration for a silkscreen lesson, and then put aside, but I was pleased with it when I rediscovered it.  It was done with a very simple technique of cutting newsprint paper into a stencil.


Filed under Silkscreen


I know its a bit late, I had the best intentions, but here is my little piece to welcome the new year.  It was definitely colored by the sad and disturbing news about the deaths of many Red-Winged Blackbirds, along with other reported mass deaths of birds, fish and crabs, but never-the-less, the new year is a beginning, and therefore hopeful!

It was inspired in large part by the beautiful work of Marie found at BLOG Zentangle.

There had been a pile of wildly colorful paste paper scraps in my classroom for a while.  I knew I wanted to do some collaging with them.  In the meantime, a fellow art teacher introduced me to Zentangling.  I was immediately taken with the combination of meditation and creativity.  So, paste paper and Zentangle doodles came together!

I also had to create something to express the conern I felt about the strange deaths of the Blackbirds.  Below is Ghost done in watercolor and ink.

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Filed under Collage, Drawing

Hello world!

Because my day looked like this, I used it to create my new blog, nancesplace!


I hope this space becomes a log of sorts, to record the various creative endeavors in my life.

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